The Unitex Base Board System is fully accredited and has been in use for over 30 years without issue.
Unitex has always chosen to be aligned with Industry and international best practise providers of Accreditation, currently Branz and Bureau Veritas.
The certifiers of Unitex systems carry out stringent audits of the Unitex products and processes including the following:
- Auditing of the Unitex Quality manuals and their implementation.
- Auditing of Unitex manufacturing processes.
- Auditing of finished manufactured Unitex Base Board and Unitex manufactured speciality Renders, Textures and Paints.
- Auditing of Unitex factory staff.
- Auditing of the Unitex product systems.
- Auditing of Unitex raw materials.
- On-site audits of installers and installed product.
These audits are conducted yearly, and a new Code Mark Certificate is issued every 3 years when no issues are reported to VBA or Australian Building Codes Board. During our most recent audit, our Auditors were themselves audited by JAZ ANZ experts, this is the organisation (under COAG coalition of Australian Government), who have just withdrawn a range of other manufacturers Certifications.
Our standard Unitex Base Board System is tested certified for use in areas with Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL) up to and including BAL29 which covers the vast majority of metropolitan areas throughout the country. We also have a Unitex Base board System that is able to achieve BAL40.
Unitex prides itself on customer service, combined with technical product quality to world standard Accreditation. With Unitex, you can be confident of a genuine Accredited system, with every component fit for purpose.
Unitex carries out site inspections to ensure projects are being completed according to written specifications, including removal of incorrect substrates or systems. Unitex also issue a warranty signed by Unitex as product manufacturer and system Supplier and also signed by the Accredited Unitex Installer / applicator.
Please contact our Technical Representatives to discuss your future Accredited cladding projects.