A few weeks ago I was invited to attend one of the biggest horse racing events on the Australian calendar – Melbourne Cup. Now, there are not many out there (possibly slightly more females than males) that have left organizing their ‘look’ till now…alas I fall into that minority. Whilst on any other occasion this would not pose such a great problem, it does here. This is predominantly down to the fact that I am Melbourne based, and this is the biggest social event of the calendar so the ability to find a look within budget, my style and unique becomes a challenge that not even Felix Baumgartner would attempt.

As any woman will tell you (and some males), the sheer horror of seeing another woman (or male) in the exact same outfit is, well, mortifying. If your own knowledge of your ‘look’ twin isn’t enough, then comes your friends attempt to comfort you, “you look so much better than he/she does”. All this is just too much anxiety for what should be a fun day.

It can be argued that after the 5th Champagne, the care factor would have reached undetectable levels so really no damage done (although your liver may tell another tale). However, the same cannot be said for every similar situation. Your house is always there, and unless you are constantly drinking Champagne (to which you may want to reassess your health status), it is hard to ignore the truth, especially if it looks exactly the same to your neighbours and your neighbours neighbours facades.

The Spring Racing carnival is all about the competitive edge, and I am not just talking about the actual races – who looks the best in what, who will make more of a fool of him/herself, who has the best marquee/lunch to go to and which corporate has the best event and secures the biggest celebrity guest. But what it always comes down to is the look, or as terminology we use – the façade. Whether that be in relation to an event or what someone is wearing, the competition is fierce and always on.

So why do we place such importance on how we look, making sure our look is individual and have that WOW factor, and yet we are more than happy to follow the status quo when it comes to our house facades.

Everyone wants to pick a winner, and placing bets on your home to make sure it looks pleasing but will also bring in a nice return is important and imperative, however that doesn’t mean it has to look like most houses you find throughout your local areas. Individual design matched with surface effects and different features (ie rough cast) can and does achieve that elusive WOW factor…and let’s face it, who doesn’t want to have the best dressed house on the block.


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